FAQs: Coronavirus impact on Holdwell Orders
Question 1: How will my order be impacted by the recent 2019 coronavirus?
Answer:Your order will not necessarily be impacted.It depends on our stock situation
and factory location.The main situation is in Wuhan,Hubei Province. Our government already
take active measures to solve that problem.Now it is under control and will be
restored soon.

Question 2:Will my shipment get delayed due to the coronavirus?
Answer: The main event that caused logistics delays in early February was Chinese New
Year vacation.Now we Holdwell already come back to work on Feb.20th and try our best to
avoid delay of your orders.While some of our factorys are located in Hubei Province.It may
has little effect on production.We will source them from somewhere else.

Question 3: Should I be concerned of the risk of package from China because of the coronavirus?
Answer: According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and prevention,"There is no
evidence to support the transmission of conoravirus associated with imported goods'